
  • Laptops for Students in Grades 7-12

    Each 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 (澳门六合彩开奖现场直播) student in grades 7 through 12 receives a laptop to use at school and at home for the duration of the school year.

    Student laptops are refreshed every four (4) years to minimize costs associated with repair and refurbishment, and to provide a stable device that supports diverse learning objectives.

    Elementary students have begun receiving devices to use at school during the expansion of this initiative, to be completed in 2019.


    All instructional computers are paid for with funds from technology levies that have been approved by voters since 2006. By law, these funds must be used for technology improvements, hardware, and software; these funds cannot be spent as general education funds.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do students enrolled in Running Start receive laptops?

  • Will students be protected from objectionable Internet content?

  • Are parents expected to monitor usage to prevent unacceptable use of technology?

  • How does the district monitor for acceptable usage compliance?

  • What is the cost if a laptop is lost or damaged?

  • How is laptop inventory controlled?

  • Am I allowed to connect my home printer to my school laptop?

  • Can students use flash drives (thumb drives/jump drives) with their school laptop?

  • What if my student has to walk home in bad weather with a laptop?

  • Is it a requirement that my student bring his/her laptop home every night?

  • What should my student do with the laptop if he/she plays an after-school sport?

Last Modified on April 28, 2020