
  • Auto, Wood & Welding Shops

    Automotive, weld and wood shops at Kentridge, Kentwood, Kent-Meridian, and Kentlake educate students on compliance to the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

    Indoor Air Quality

    Indoor air quality in schools and the workplace is the subject of much attention these days, and for good reason. The air quality of the indoor environment can profoundly affect the health, comfort, and productivity of building occupants. 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 has implemented a districtwide Indoor Air Quality Management Plan to assure a healthy and safe learning environment for staff, students and community members. The 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 IAQ Management Plan has been nationally recognized and is a recipient of the Indoor Air Quality Excellence Award by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    Laboratory Safety

    To support a safe and healthy laboratory environment for staff and students, Kent District School has prepared a comprehensive Laboratory Safety Manual. The manual is located in all secondary school science classrooms and prep areas. This manual includes information such as a chemical hygiene plan, spill response, MSDS information, lab safety checklists, inventory checklists, hazardous waste procedures, and information on banned and/or high-risk chemicals.

    Surface Water Management

    Washington State Department of Ecology requires 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 to write and carry out a management plan as part of compliance to the Phase II Municipal Storm water permit. The Phase II Permit is intended to reduce sources of pollution common to urbanized areas. These include pollutants such as fluids and metals from cars, fertilizers and pesticides from yard care, soaps from car washes, and pet waste.

    Water Quality

    Ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment at all Kent District schools is a priority. Ensuring the drinking water meets federal and is one way of accomplishing this goal. 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 has implemented a drinking water sampling plan.

Last Modified on March 18, 2024